When I started my blog, it was done for only good purposes. Where I could impart some of my photographic expertise to my fellow photographers. The blog was never designed to be an obituary or take on a persona of a bully pulpit. Unfortunately, several very dear friends and loved ones have passed in the last 2 years, and they need to be remembered. The social networks are designed as tools to communicate your ideas, your beliefs, your likes and your dislikes. There is no doubt in my mind that I am at least 10 years behind the curve. But that's okay. We all can't be visionaries. I'd like to tell you a little story about someone who, in my opinion, is a brilliant marketer who has learned how to manipulate public relations and genuinely knows how to control the social media. I receive a minimum of 1 email every 10 days or so from him, wanting to show me his new products, his new designs, and his wonderful products. He wanted me to be his friend on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Buzz, Twitter, and email marketing utilizing ReachMail. There is no doubt in my mind that this individual believes that he is a visionary and a renaissance man. And that he's doing great work for his clients or customers. When you really get down to it, Scott Jordan, CEO and founder of ScotteVest, is in the service business. At least, that is the impression he gives you. Unfortunately, this is where Scott Jordan comes apart at the seams-a lot like his products. If it's one thing I've learned in over 4 decades as a photographer-filmaker (yes I'm in the service-oriented business), nothing is perfect. So when a client of mine is unhappy with my work, you can rest assured I am extremely unhappy. At this point, there is no right or wrong. Without any hesitation, my unhappy client is made happy again. If it requires a re-shoot at my expense, so be it. Whatever is necessary, I will do. Virtually no questions asked. That's my job. Mr. Jordan says he does the same thing. In reality, he does not. He explained to me that he would be very happy to give me a refund on my vest as long as I didn't take the tags off of it. Well, I'm too old to run around New York City with 3 tags hanging off my new ScotteVest. Mr. Jordan doesn't have to live up to my expectations of how business should be done. I'm not so naive to believe that anybody should be held accountable to what I believe in. But for God sakes, stop sending me these damn emails! No, I don't want to be your friend, and I don't want to Twitter you. And considering you come off as a friend of the environment with American products, somebody needs to remind you-plastic is not a good thing. And your plastic cards in every pocket is detrimental to the environment. Do you think one card made out of biodegradable material would suffice? Or maybe you could have a free envelope and mail them back to you so you could send them out again. Not very practical, but it sure as hell would help out the post office. You also leave something out of your brilliant marketing, your excellent overall advertising, your extremely slick expensive heavy-duty four color brochure, and all of your social media- you don't tell people about your washing instructions. And what you can and can't do with the zippers. Until, of course, they've taken the labels off your particular product. When push comes to shove, I guess it's my fault. Every once and a while you forget the old adage: Buyer Beware. Mr. Jordan, in my humble opinion, you make garbage. I happen to be in a major department store. Saw a vest for 19 dollars. Bought it as a throw-away. It is 20 times better product than your vest. Just my opinion. To all the ships at sea, Buyer Beware!

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