I've been using electronic flash from the beginning of my career. In the 70's I standardized by using Dynalite strobes. There is no doubt, in my mind, that Dynalite, pound for pound, penny for penny, is the best electronic flash system you can get. Broncolor is really cool, but it's very expensive. I had an opportunity to experiment with a new product: Rosco lightpads. Rosco is a LED continuous light source that comes in many different flavors - 20x24, 12x12, and even circles.
You name it, they have it. It has a very simple
mounting system as well. The light the pads produce is sweet. When I take all the knowledge that I learned over the years, with the electronic flash and the bending of available light, I can do some really cool things. The greatest advantage of these lights, is that they last forever, the color is consistent, they're relatively small & easy to maneuver. This makes them easy to use on location with batteries rather than with AC. Now, they may not replace all electronic flash, but they're a great addition to your photographic repertoire. For the photographer who doesn't want to go to electronic flash for whatever reason, this is a natural progression. Also see my partner photographer JoAnne Kalish's blog and another example of what she did using these litepads.
Photo © MMIX Joe Maggio
Photo © MMIX Joe Maggio
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