Well, a very big birthday just passed. I guess when you look at it, they're all pretty big, and you know how I love to beat up clichés. There's one that goes like this I think, "One door closes and another opens". Well, maybe this is a good example: I just lost two assistants. Thats not good. But what's great is that I have a brand new assistant that is considerably better than the two that I lost and her name is Moriah. So i guess the cliché works again. And what do you know that on my birthday that after having 7000 other assistants over the years, that lovely Moriah shows up with her equally lovely mother with a beautiful birthday cake and wished me a happy birthday. My god, it doesn't get any better than that. So I'd like that thank Moriah and her mom for an extremely delicious, outstanding, beautiful cake. And I'd like to see that if they ever remotely think of it again, if they could make it without sugar and calories. Oh forget that. Who am I kidding. It's all Good, Joe D
Why be hard on the old assistants? They were in their time, and now Moriah is in hers. And someday she too will move on. . .