Monday, December 27, 2010
Holiday Greetings
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
![]() |
Artist/Photographer Gary Nicamin |
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
When Its Cold It's "$#*!' Cold!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
It Was The Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times Part II
To be continue...
Monday, November 29, 2010
It Was The Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times Part I
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Theres dumb and then theres me
My partner and my son decided they have to have iPhones. I tried to resist strongly for a while but figured if they had to have one there was something to it. It was something I just did not want to do, but figured maybe I was behind the times.
Our son insisted that my iPhone be encased in a heavy duty Otter box case because I am sometimes tough on my phone. I guess that was a good thing because yesterday I went to physical therapy for almost two hours then came back and decided to take me best friend Ace for a three mile walk. Getting into the car I decided to take his bell off, but my hands were full so I placed my iPhone on the roof of the car. I drove the four and half miles home, went in, and went back to the studio for some editing work. Dylan was just back for a visit after being out at sea for a month filming tuna fishing. He took the car downtown to get the mail, I didn't think anything of it but he was gone for an hour and a half. He walked in and said something to the effect that there was a minor problem with an iPhone. Told him that if he broke his company iPhone I was not going to replace it (he has the iPhone 4). He then began to tell me on his trip back he heard a scratching sound and then a thump, the phone hit one of the struts on the roof rack before it decided to fly out at 60mph on route six. My son looked into the rear view mirror when he hit the bump and he saw the phone hit the pavement and preceded to do a Nascar tumble, all this time I'm thinking its his phone, and I'm not happy. Then he informed me it was my phone. He handed back to me a phone without a mark on it, the case was a little chewed up but it worked perfectly. It wouldn't allow me to make any phone calls but with ATT that was normal.

Signing off,
-Joe DiMaggio
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hip graduation
Dear Mr. Drayer:
I've just been handed a patient satisfactory survey. In filling it out I realized that I would be unable to tell you how I feel about your company. I think it needed more of a letter. In the past 30 plus years, as an internationally known photographer and filmmaker, I've had the pleasure to work with several Fortune 500 companies- IBM, Apple, ATT etc.
Let me get to the point, I judge a corporation not by its logo, color scheme or proximity to a major road. The most important thing is service and people. You're a lucky man. every person that i have ever dealt with at Drayer has been 100% helpful and wonderful. what you have are great people and that's what makes a great company. the interesting part to me, is NO not in their vocabulary from the Senior PT gentleman Chris Ferlo, to the young female receptionist.
If you were a public company I'd buy your stock. I presume their passion and their understanding must come from the top man at the company and that's you.
Sincerely ,
Joe DiMaggio
Just to bring everything full circle Chris has offered me a health maintenance program which I jumped at, so my relationship with Drayer will continue for a long time.
Great people, great leadership, great attitudes. WHAT A PLEASURE ITS ALL GOOD.
A photographer has to have some basic fundamental skills in lighting, composition, impact, structure and dynamics that all come down to visual literacy. The other thing a photographer has to have is a great personality and he has to understand and emphasize with the people he is photographing. For the most part you become an amateur psychologist. The personnel at Drayer have a wonderful understanding of the individual problems that people go through not only physically but mentally. The key with my family at Drayer is they genuinely care, they understand and they're there for me. They're there for the high school student who hurt their ankle the senior citizen who broke a hip, the police officer who dislocated his shoulder.
The reality is they are really amazing people who are motivated to help people. You just couldn't get a better group. Thank you to the crew; Chris, Nancy, Christina, Ryan, Penny, Toni, Tracey, Carol, Jess, Stacy, Connie, Danielle, Chrissy, Jean, Scott, Kevin, Dale, Laura, Denise.
You guys are great,
-Joe DiMaggio
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
There have been turning points in the new millennium. The first and foremost turning point was the attack on September 11, 2001 The World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the heroic crash in Pennsylvania. Up until that point, travel was relatively simple and straight-forward but today travel has become more difficult and rightly so. A bright traveler has so do everything they can to minimize the shock of intense scrutiny at the airports, ship terminals, train stations and so on. So the first consideration, is to pack two weeks early. Once you've done that, cut this in half. If you think I'm joking I'm not! Forty eight hours before the trip cut things back again. Like most modern day travelers, you will be traveling with a laptop computer - obviously carry on. I also strongly recommend a carry-on camera/video bag and incorporate your personal and mandatory items in that same bag. For instance, in a side pouch of your camera bag you want to carry a tooth brush, contact lenses, mouthwash (under 3 oz), and maybe a change of underwear just in case your luggage gets lost and any prescription medication. The concept here is for you to be mobile and self-contained.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Patty Smith
Thursday, October 7, 2010
You can't Have Enough Backlight
Use it or Lose it!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Time to Re-Boot
Joe D.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I Love Simple
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Bert Sugar aka Bert The Great

Monday, September 27, 2010
Timex keeps on Ticking
Joe D. Signing off.
All images Copyright © Joe DiMaggio
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Montauk in September
Four days off after a major corporate shoot and film for Galvanic Printing, see my vimeo page. Anyone who's been to any of my workshops, lectures, or our DiMaggio/Kalish Learning Center knows that they hear the same thing over and over. Less is more. Both JoAnne and I receive many questions about the quality of photographic products. My answer is relatively simple. Whatever works for you, and whatever you can afford is what it's all about. Let's remember the photographer makes the photograph. One of my long-time assistants Larry Malang asked me "Are Canon and Nikon lenses better then Sigma's?" My answer was very simple. "Canon and Nikon make great glass, and so does Sigma" One thing about Sigma glass that is really impressive, is that the lenses work very well with severe backlight. I shoot a lot of backlight because I love it! I took three new lenses with me to Montauk for a well deserved four day busmans holiday. The 8-16mm , the 17-50mm f/2.8, and the 70-200mm. I use all of these lenses specifically for video. As soon as I can cut some footage, I will post it on Vimeo. In the mean time, here are a few photos that are severely back and side lit. Utilizing the new lenses. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that they have great color and great contrast. Great shooting.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
To Blog or Not to Blog?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Johnny Eye, aka John The Great Iacono

It was the best of times

Monday, August 23, 2010
2.8 And Be There, Version II

Hi guys & gals,

2.8 And Be There

Monday, August 16, 2010
Tricks of the Trade: 360 Degree Video
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Photoshop Vs. A Pruning Tool
I have the utmost respect for the computer mavens who can make the sun rise and fall with Photoshop, and believe me-- I don't say that lightly.We all have to know what we are good at. I would like to believe that I am a good photographer/film maker/designer. But I'll tell you- My Photoshop skills are limited, because that's the way I want it.
Recently, I stumbled across a momma bird hatching 4 eggs, I shot with 3 cameras over a 5 day period. Two hours into the shoot, I realized that I was losing 70% of my photos because of dead branches and vines in the way. I proceeded to do a "Joe DiMaggio Photoshop," which consisted of a 6ft ladder, and some pruning shears. I cleaned up the composition. New idea? I don't think so!
In 1968, I was at my first Indianapolis 500, turn one, eye-level shot, 33 cars, chain link fence, snip snip with the dikes, bend chain link, lens through chain link...Great photo.
I guess there's nothing new under the sun.

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tricks of the Trade: Simple is Always Better
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010
The Third Man In

Not The Outcome We Wanted
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Alexis Iacono

June 5- Yankee Stadium

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Photographic Community